Meng Ning

Imagic Gloves

Research Page
About Me
Imagic Gloves


The name of our profuct:

illuminated glove

The use of our product:

The present invention relates generally to a partial or full glove that can be worn by individuals participating in low light or no light conditions, or even in conditions of inclement weather where visibility is restricted, to readily indicate the individual’s presence.


The components of our product:


A flexible enclosure

An elongated lens formed from a strip of a translucent polymer

A light source

A battery source

A selective switch


Reasons for investment:


Its opportunity cost is very low.

It’s very effective to protect you from danger.

The analogous products have many problems.


The cost of our product


If you invest $ 1000 on our product, then soon you can earn your another $ 1000.









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