Meng Ning

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Should China join WTO?

This paper is about whether China should join WTO, and the author stand for the position that China should join WTO.
Since China joined WTO, there have been many arguments about whether China should join WTO in the newspaper and magazines. So I choose the topic.
I found the information in NIE library, NUS library, and the nus library, also some information was from the Internet.

In this paper, I have analyzed the reasons why China should join WTO. Firstly joined WTO, China can be protected by the agreements on the international trade, which can make China have stable position in the global trade. Secondly, the foreign investment can promote Chinese economy; it also can raise the government revenue and bring the advantage technology. Thirdly, China’s agricultural agreement of removal of trade barriers, elimination of export subsidies, reduction of tariffs, and import of grain seem to have given the Chinese general public the impression that China has given in too much to outside pressures on a weak sector in Chinese economy. However, the above analysis shows that the accession to WTO will actually do more good than harm to Chinese agriculture. The agricultural agreement actually is, using a Chinese proverb,shu le mian zi, ying le li zi” (losing the face but winning the substance) ( Justin, 2003)

So, China should join WTO.

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